Radios in Heaven

Allison, my granddaughter, was age 12 when we lost Mom just over 3 years ago! She was one of the ones at Mom's bedside at the end! I was on the opposite side; along with others. I will never forget the helpless, hurt, look on my baby Alli's face, as she looked from one to the other of family members gathered round Ma-Ma., as if pleading for someone's intervention to keep her beloved Great-grandmother with us!
...But it was Mom's time and we had to let her go! I hope she knew we were all there...
I took care of Alli from infancy and Mom lived with me those 12 years, so Alli had been with 'Ma-Ma' just about every day of her life . It was especially hard for her, losing Ma-Ma. They were the greatest of friends. When Alli was a pre-schooler and on up, they would play their games; Mom never tiring -always thrilled with the attention she got from Alli...and it worked both ways-equally!
Alli put together this little tribute to Ma-Ma, using words from a song of one of her favorite bands; 'Plain White Ts.' This picture of Alli and Mom was not long before she left us.
The complete lyrics of the song below.
Plain White T's
Radios In Heaven
Your time has already come and I don't know why
The last thing that I had heard
you were doin' just fine
It seems like just yesterday
I was laughing with you
Playing games at Grandma's house
well you taught me well, didn't you?
I hope I'm just like you
Do they have radios in heaven?
I hope they do
'Cause they're playing my song on the radio
And I'm singing it to you
You left before I had a chance to say goodbye
But that's the way life usually is
it just passes you by
But you can't hold on to regrets and you can't look back
So I'll just be thankful for the times that I had with you
I hope I'm just like you
Do they have radios in heaven?
I hope they do
'Cause they're playing my song on the radio
And I'm singing it to you
If they don't have radios in heaven
here's what I'll do
I can bring my guitar when my time is up and I'll play it for you
Tell me can you hear me now
if not, then I can try to sing real loud
What's it like up on the other side of the clouds?
I hope I'm just like you
I hope I turn out to be as good as you